Health & Safety

Group OHS Policy - The purpose of this policy is to affirm the intentions, commitment, and principles of the Mincon Group (the Group), in relation to the management of health and safety across all Group operations.

The safety, health and welfare at work of all employees and others who may be affected by our activities, is our most important priority.
Each Group entity has policies and procedures in place which are consistent with the purpose and intent of the Group health and safety policy.
These policies and procedures are prepared taking into account the risks, scale and nature of the business entity to which they apply and are available and communicated to relevant parties as appropriate.

The Group endeavours to manage and conduct work activities in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all employees and relevant persons who come in contact with the activities of the Group, including:

All employees, contractors and visitors must take reasonable care to prevent injury and/or ill-health to themselves and others while in contact with the Group and must likewise comply with Group policies and procedures and applicable local law, as regards occupational health and safety.
